Re-use the rain and save your money and the planet

Rainwater Recovery is quite simply rainwater captured via your existing guttering and drain-pipes. The rain water is then filtered and stored in above or below ground tanks for later use. When you need the water, it is pumped from the tanks rather than using mains water.

There are numerous benefits to installing a Rainwater Harvesting system; below are the 10 key reasons from our customers:

  • You save money simply because you use less from your mains supply. You can save 50% to 80% of your water bills. Commercial buildings can save even more money owing to their larger roofs and higher water use.

  • Water meters are becoming mandatory, and water costs are significantly increasing due to pipe repairs and water shortages. Using rainwater will reduce your metered mains water and save you money.

  • The average house can harvest 64,000 litres of rain water a year from their roof…that’s 213 water butts!

  • Rainwater is much better for your plant, and is not subject to hosepipe bans.

  • It enhances a property and gains Eco-homes rating points.

  • It provides an off mains supply ensuring a security of supply.

  • An average person uses around 18,000 litres of water annually just to flush toilets and wash clothes, so from the environmental perspective, rainwater harvesting is a logical choice.

  • By sending this rainwater into holding tank/s, you reducing the risk of local flooding due to excess runoff.

  • You help the environment by recycling water.

  • Rainwater harvesting adds a nice selling feature to your property.

Rainwater is not suitable for bathing and showering.

Increasing water demands combined with drier summers are exceeding the availability of mains water, and as such water costs are soaring.

Rain water collected from your roof is clear and clean looking, it only becomes “dirty” looking when it meets the ground.

Rainwater Harvesting can supply all of your non-potable water requirements; however how much you harvest is limited to the size of your roof areas, the volume of annual rainfall, the size of your system, and your water demand.


The average house can harvest 64,000 litres of rain water a year from their roof…that’s 213 water butts! The average person uses around 18,000 litres of water per annum just to flush toilets and wash clothes,

That means as you re-use your rainwater you save money and you save the environment.

Rainwater harvesting is a logical choice.

Earnings & Savings


There is currently no funding or grants available for domestic Rainwater Harvesting Arvesting systems. There are no financial incentives similar to the FiT or RHI for Rainwater Harvesting Systems. The savings are purely from reduced water bills.

Farmers may find funding for agricultural schemes through their local Regional Development Agency (RDA) and businesses may receive an Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) which allows businesses to claim 100% of their first year capital allowances on investments.