Modern Slavery Policy

Modern slavery can present itself, not just as slavery, but also forced labour and human trafficking. All have the common denominator of exploitation of an individual’s freedom and liberty for personal or commercial gain.

Impact Services holds a zero-tolerance approach; we apply strict but effective systems and procedures to ensure slavery is not happening anywhere within our own business or any businesses that we deal with, and we are dedicated to behaving ethically within all our business relationships.

This policy applies to all persons working for Impact Services or on our behalf in any capacity.


Impact Services is responsible for certifying that all Impact Services employees, or anybody under our direct control, strictly follows and respects our ethical and legal obligations.

Impact Services can uphold its responsibility for enforcing the policy by ensuring all necessary people are made aware of the policy and are educated on how to follow and enforce it, monitoring the policy to judge effectiveness, answering any questions or queries regarding the police, and responding to any reports of a breach of this policy.

Impact Services implement the rule that management and supervisors at every level are all responsibly for issuing education on the topic of modern slavery and the policy itself and ensuring that those in their control completely understand the policy and the subsequent procedures of following and reporting.


Within all areas of the training and induction process at Impact Services there is education regarding the anti-slavery policy and reinforced as appropriate or made aware of any changes to the policy.

Communication with all suppliers, contracted workers, business partners and employees is key and this is why our zero-tolerance approach to slavery is made abundantly clear at the very beginning of any business relationship.

Breaches of this Policy

Any breach of this policy will result in immediate action; employees in breach of this policy will face serious disciplinary action, most likely dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct. Additionally, any business relationships in which we become aware of breaches of this policy will be immediately terminated and relevant authorities will be informed if the breach is considerable.